Namur-Hippodrome neighborhood
The future Namur-Hippodrome neighborhood, located in Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, will undergo a major transformation over the coming years. The Master Land Use and Development Plan (PDAD) is a planning document that embodies Montréal’s vision for the future of the Namur-Hippodrome area. The PDAD will guide public intervention and provide a framework for real estate development projects.
The PDAD was created based on needs expressed by the community and is consistent with several city plans and policies.
A public consultation was held in spring 2024. The consultation allowed the City of Montreal to collect written opinions, comments and briefs of everyone interested to express their views on the PDAD.
The public consultation is now completed : thank you for your participation!
The Institut du Nouveau Monde (INM) has analyzed the submitted opinions during the summer and published the consultation report. Based on the report, modifications has been made to proceed to the final adoption of the PDAD by the City Council on December 17, 2024.
Read the consultation report, the modifications and the final version of the PDAD.
The future Namur-Hippodrome neighborhood, located in Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, will undergo a major transformation over the coming years. The Master Land Use and Development Plan (PDAD) is a planning document that embodies Montréal’s vision for the future of the Namur-Hippodrome area. The PDAD will guide public intervention and provide a framework for real estate development projects.
The PDAD was created based on needs expressed by the community and is consistent with several city plans and policies.
A public consultation was held in spring 2024. The consultation allowed the City of Montreal to collect written opinions, comments and briefs of everyone interested to express their views on the PDAD.
The public consultation is now completed : thank you for your participation!
The Institut du Nouveau Monde (INM) has analyzed the submitted opinions during the summer and published the consultation report. Based on the report, modifications has been made to proceed to the final adoption of the PDAD by the City Council on December 17, 2024.
Read the consultation report, the modifications and the final version of the PDAD.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Until June 21st, 2024, Montréal invites you to answer this questionnaire to improve the Namur-Hippodrome Master Land Use and Development Plan (PDAD).
Your answers will remain anonymous. The questionnaire takes about 10 minutes to complete.
Thank you for your participation!
Share Questionnaire on the PDAD on Facebook Share Questionnaire on the PDAD on Twitter Share Questionnaire on the PDAD on Linkedin Email Questionnaire on the PDAD link -
📁 Do you have a brief to send us?
Until June 21st, 2024, Montréal invites you to send a written notice of brief. The documents will be analyze carefully. Your opinion can be on one page or several.
📢 This opinion will be made public and accessible on the Making Montréal page.
Share Submission of a written notice or brief on Facebook Share Submission of a written notice or brief on Twitter Share Submission of a written notice or brief on Linkedin Email Submission of a written notice or brief link -
World Café, a public activity open to all
Maison de la culture de Côte-des-Neiges, 5290, chemin de la Côte-des-Neiges
June 8, 2024, 10 am to 12 pm
All activities are moderated by the Institut du Nouveau Monde (INM) and it will be possible to ask questions.
Places are limited.
Share Register to the World Café on Facebook Share Register to the World Café on Twitter Share Register to the World Café on Linkedin Email Register to the World Café link -
* Registrations are now closed *
Saidye-Bronfman park chalet
June 11, 2024, 18 pm to 21 pm
The activity was moderated by the Institut du Nouveau Monde (INM).
Share Public Roundtable Discussion on Facebook Share Public Roundtable Discussion on Twitter Share Public Roundtable Discussion on Linkedin Email Public Roundtable Discussion link
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Adoption of the preliminary PDAD
Namur-Hippodrome neighborhood has finished this stageAdoption of the preliminary PDAD by the Executive Committee of the Ville de Montréal
Posting of the PDAD questionnaire online and possibility of submitting an opinion onlineApril 24, 2024
Adoption of the draft
Namur-Hippodrome neighborhood has finished this stageAdoption of the draft by-law amending the Urban Plan (04-047) by the Borough Council of Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce
May 6, 2024
Information session on the PDAD
Namur-Hippodrome neighborhood has finished this stageInformation session on the PDAD at the Courtyard by Mariott hotel, 6787 boulevard Décarie
Doors open at 6pmMay 15, 2024, 7pm
Discussion table with socio-community and economic actors
Namur-Hippodrome neighborhood has finished this stageJune 11, 2024, 9 am to 12 pm
Saidye-Bronfman park chalet -
Public Roundtable Discussion
Namur-Hippodrome neighborhood has finished this stageJune 11, 2024, 18 pm to 21 pm
Saidye-Bronfman park chalet -
Questionnaire and opinion
Namur-Hippodrome neighborhood has finished this stageYou have until June 21, 2024 to let us know your opinion
Consultation activities in the community
Namur-Hippodrome neighborhood has finished this stageJune 27, 2024
Parc de la Savane -
Analysis of the opinions by Institut du Nouveau Monde
Namur-Hippodrome neighborhood has finished this stageSummer 2024
Consultation report
Namur-Hippodrome neighborhood has finished this stageFall 2024
Final adoption of the PDAD and the modification to the City of Montreal's Urban Plan (04-047)
Namur-Hippodrome neighborhood is currently at this stageEnd of 2024
PDAD du quartier Namur-Hippodrome (22 MB) (pdf)
Rapport de consultation publique (7.94 MB) (pdf)
Projet de PDAD du quartier Namur-Hippodrome (FR) (14.5 MB) (pdf)
Modifications au PDAD suite à la consultation (175 KB) (pdf)
Summary document (EN) (2.47 MB) (pdf)
Flyer (EN) (6.74 MB) (pdf)
Projet de modification du plan d'urbanisme (04-047) (30.3 MB) (pdf)
Consultation history (EN) (185 KB) (pdf)
Présentation de la séance d'information du 15 mai 2024 (FR) (5.13 MB) (pdf)
Q&A - Séance d'information (FR) (113 KB) (pdf)
Panels of the information session May 15, 2024 (FR) (104 MB) (pdf)
Studies prior to OCPM, 2019
Studies after OCPM, 2019
Mandat d’évaluation sommaire de la gestion des eaux usées et pluviales pour le quartier Namur-Hippodrome - Stantec Experts-conseils, 2024 (12.1 MB) (pdf)
Évaluation du potentiel de développement économique (hors commerces de détail) et identification des besoins immobiliers en découlant dans le cadre de la planification du secteur Namur-Hippodrome - Groupe Altus, 2023 (13.1 MB) (pdf)
Réalisation d’un pré-programme fonctionnel et technique concernant le projet municipal envisagé dans le secteur du quartier Namur-Hippodrome - Cardin Julien, 2023 (42.2 MB) (pdf)
Élaboration d’un modèle d’affaires détaillé - Ernst & Young, 2022 (3.23 MB) (pdf)
Étude de faisabilité sur la requalification et la mise en valeur des abords de l’autoroute Décarie à des fins mixtes - Aedifica, 2022 (108 MB) (pdf)
Quartier Namur-Hippodrome Bonification du plan d’ensemble - Lemay, 2022 (71.8 MB) (pdf)
Rapport de concertation Ateliers Namur-Hippodrome - Lemay, 2022 (22.6 MB) (pdf)
Planification des espaces et des équipements collectifs dans le quartier Namur-Hippodrome - Rayside Labossière, 2021 (151 MB) (pdf)
Réalisation d'un plan d'ensemble pour le quartier Namur-Hippodrome - Fahey et associés, 2020 (28.2 MB) (pdf)
0.Introduction - Fahey et associés, 2020 (4.91 MB) (pdf)
1.Systèmes Naturels - Fahey et associés, 2020 (28 MB) (pdf)
2.Énergie Ressources - Fahey et associés, 2020 (14.6 MB) (pdf)
3.Mobilité - Fahey et associés, 2020 (24.4 MB) (pdf)
4.Dimension Humaine - Fahey et associés, 2020 (25.7 MB) (pdf)
Étude sur le réaménagement de la rue Jean-Talon ouest, entre la rue De la Savane et l'avenue Clanranald - Civiliti, 2020 (81.7 MB) (pdf)
Recherche documentaire de précédents en matière de composition urbaine des équipements collectifs - L'Atelier urbain, 2019 (87.4 MB) (pdf)
Submitted written notice or brief
1-Opinion-Alfred.pdf (52.2 KB) (pdf)
2-Harold Lobaugh.pdf (68 KB) (pdf)
3-Alain Brunet_2_MGV_de l'Aéroport de Montréal jusqu'à Du Parc_2024jun02.pdf (5.79 MB) (pdf)
3.1-Namur-Hippodrome__Mémoire_par_Alain_Brunet_2024juin02.pdf (1.01 MB) (pdf)
4-David_Seto_2_passerelle_Namur_IKEA_plan.pdf (260 KB) (pdf)
4.1-David_Seto_namur_hippodrome.pdf (40.3 KB) (pdf)
5-Amis parc Meadowbrook_Mémoire.pdf (1.39 MB) (pdf)
6-esther bozzer_CONSULTATION_PUBLIQUE_DU_15_MAI_2024.pdf (101 KB) (pdf)
7-2024_Taillon_Mémoire.pdf (750 KB) (pdf)
8-Écosphère_Agriculture_urbaine_CDD.pdf (83.2 KB) (pdf)
9-Hippo_Vert_L'Avenir.pdf (1.89 MB) (pdf)
10-John_Koziris_Namur.pdf (54.7 KB) (pdf)
11-Lily Cowper namur_proposal.pdf (35.3 KB) (pdf)
12-CSL-memoire_QNH_final.pdf (4.63 MB) (pdf)
13-d raymond-Memoire-QNH-Devmont-Final.pdf (3.49 MB) (pdf)
14-Alliance_Cavendish_Affaires_communiqué_2024-05-03-1012_FR.pdf (766 KB) (pdf)
14.1-Déclaration_Alliance_Cavendish_Fr._-_signée.pdf (63.9 KB) (pdf)
15-Bell-Namur-Hippodrom_PDAD_Comment_Ltr.pdf (371 KB) (pdf)
16-Desbiens.jpg (2.55 MB) (jpg)
17-Dépôt_d'un_avis_projet_Namur-Hippodrome_CCSL-MR.pdf (111 KB) (pdf)
18-gervais.jpg (3.15 MB) (jpg)
19-Communauto_Namur_Hippodrome.pdf (469 KB) (pdf)
20-Daniel Ranga_Opinion_QNH.pdf (43.4 KB) (pdf)
21-ClubUSS_MémoirePDAD.pdf (594 KB) (pdf)
22-Norman_Chenail_Namur-Hippodrome_Position.pdf (1.65 MB) (pdf)
23-gagnon-Hippo_Vert_l_Avenir.pdf (1.86 MB) (pdf)
24-ab-Cav_Brief_Square_Decarie.pdf (160 KB) (pdf)
25-ProjetGenese_AvisPDAD.pdf (282 KB) (pdf)
26-2024-21-06_Mémoire_UTILE_PDAD_QNH.pdf (1.66 MB) (pdf)
27-loyola_leroux-Hippo_Vert_l_Avenir.pdf (1.89 MB) (pdf)
28-Mémoire_Namur-Hippodrome_POLLIFLORA.pdf (52.9 MB) (pdf)
29-cav_extension.pdf (66.6 KB) (pdf)
30-2024-06-21_Consultation-PDAD-QNH_AvisLADM.pdf (766 KB) (pdf)
31-Memoire-PlanDirecteurQNH-AceHolding.pdf (723 KB) (pdf)
32-20240621_Mémoire_Namur-Hippodrome_CSSDM.pdf (583 KB) (pdf)
33-SmartCentres_ACDF-_Mémoire_Quartier_Namur-Hippodrome.pdf (2.27 MB) (pdf)
34-Hippo_vert_l_avenir_marc_laverlochere.pdf (5.38 MB) (pdf)
35-Barel_Mémoires_Quartier_Namur-Hippodrome.pdf (357 KB) (pdf)
36-Mémoire_Exaequo_PDAD2024_QNH.docx_(1).pdf (244 KB) (pdf)
37-Mémoire_PDAD_Éco-pivot_VF.pdf (6.66 MB) (pdf)
38-Mémoire_PDAD_MultiCaf.pdf (3.91 MB) (pdf)
39-Hippo_Vert_l_Avenir_CLaude-Émilie Marec.pdf (6.32 MB) (pdf)
40-OEIL_CDN-QNH-2024.pdf (255 KB) (pdf)
41-Quartier_Namur-Hippodrome_V2 Louise Chênevert.pdf (24.6 MB) (pdf)
42-Hippo_Vert_l_Avenir_Dylan_Grose.pdf (1.86 MB) (pdf)
43-Hippo_Vert_l_Avenir_SOCENV.pdf (1.93 MB) (pdf)
45-l’Association_des_Condos_Rouge_5_et_6_-_Quartier_Namur-_Hippodrome.pdf (60.8 KB) (pdf)
46-Hippo_Vert_l_Avenir_Rogers_Cristian_-_Membre_CA_Carrefour_Jeunesse_Emploi_CdN.pdf (6.37 MB) (pdf)
47-ARA_Namur-Hippodrome.pdf (325 KB) (pdf)
48-CCOMTL_DSIPL_Avis Santé publique_Consultation publique PDAD_Quartier Namur-Hippodrome_Juin 2024.pdf (489 KB) (pdf)
49-Mémoire_Consultation_NH_juin2024.pdf (8.85 MB) (pdf)