Feedback report – Comments collected during the information session
We would like to thank you for attending the public event organized on Tuesday, April 12. It was a pleasure to meet you and to hear from you about the future of the area.
This is a summary of the main points of view that were expressed. Some points of view may conflict with others. It will be up to the borough to recommend more final guidelines.
- Can the lighting on Avenue Prud’homme be changed? The height of the lampposts is the same as the leaves of the trees, which substantially reduces the lighting of the sidewalks.
- Several people showed an interest in a short-term closure of the alley to cut off vehicle traffic. Access to the rear parking lots must be maintained. However, there is no consensus on whether access should be by Décarie or Prud’homme.
- Some expressed concern about the height of future buildings and questioned the need to allow any height greater than that of the existing building. The notion of loss of privacy in existing yards and direct views from the new high-rise buildings was also mentioned by several. However, they were open to meeting the promoters to discuss it.
- One of the concerns seems to be the impact on parking on Prud’homme. New residents could add vehicles that would hog the little space available on Prud’homme.
The majority seemed to be in favour of the buildings planned in the alley being moved towards Décarie, even if it means having a height greater than the 4 floors proposed. This would allow for vegetated backyards. This option also favours increasing the distance between the buildings on Avenue Prud’homme and the future buildings located on Décarie.
Several people also expressed concern about the redesign of the Décarie/Upper Lachine/Maisonneuve West intersection. We will try to provide you with more information on the schedule of the studies and work. Note, however, that this is the responsibility of the Direction de la mobilité du Service de l’urbanisme et de mobilité (central administration).
Some people are asking for grass cutting in the central part of Boulevard Décarie, especially at intersections. We will see if this request is compatible with the type of landscaping chosen. (Remember that it is a natural garden designed to collect rainwater.)
Several people asked if it would be possible to demolish the vacant buildings on Décarie right away.
Some asked that the passageways under overpasses (especially the Upper Lachine one) be cleaned up and that graffiti be removed.
Mention was also made of the danger to pedestrians of crossing the access road to highway 15 on Boulevard Saint-Jacques.
There seems to be a marked interest in the landscaping of the grassy strip of land where we had set up our kiosk. Recall that this land belongs to the Ministère des Transports (MTQ) for the moment. Among the ideas received:
Creation of a small garden
Unobstructed space for children to play
Tree planting to serve as a filter and barrier for nuisances (noise, dust, gas)
Space for dogs
Addition of a table for eating
We will soon invite you to draw up a development plan that we hope will include all of your requests. In the meantime, we fully respect the need for local residents to feel at home at that site.
We hope that this is a faithful summary of the comments you made. There is still time to send us your opinions. As you can see, it is not always easy to combine your requests with those of others. Our role as an urban planning team is to make recommendations to the borough’s elected officials that benefit the entire community.
Thank you once more for your collaboration and we look forward to seeing you again.